Dear Classmates,

I am happy to report that a number of our classmates had an enjoyable time at the Mackinac Boat Race party last July. We were truly blessed with sunshine, pleasant weather, good food and camaraderie.

This is an update for the July 16th, 2016 party, starting at 11:00 AM, for those of you who will be attending and for those who have not replied yet. You do not need to bring chairs, we will have plenty. You should bring binoculars and a jacket or sweater in case the wind shifts. It can be 10-20 degrees cooler at the lake than inland. You can bring a salad type item or dessert if you like, but it’s not necessary. We have a tent with side curtains, tables & chairs, so we should be all set. If you want to brave the lake for swimming, you are welcome to go for it! Foot covering is suggested for walking on the rocks.

I will be making phone calls to invite those who don’t have email or FB messaging available. Please spread the word to classmates with whom you still have contact.

Also, we should have a discussion about our upcoming 50th Reunion and what we, as a group, might like to do.

Looking forward to seeing everyone again! More info to come. Please contact me using the contact link on our website:


Here's what folks have been saying about having another party this year:

Dan M., 2/22/16:         As far as we know right now it sounds good!

Jim T., 2/23/16:         I say "Go for it Chuck", it was a great time last year and I'd like to say I'll make it again this year, but I think it's a long shot.. Tell everyone I say hello and I'll think of them..!

Mike V., 2/24/16:         If it's half the party you hosted last July, Janet and I are in!

Gary M., 2/20/16:         Getting together sounds good!

Wendy L., 2/26/16:         We would love to come again for the Port Huron to Mackinac sailboat race party, if you don't mind having such a wild group of people at your place!

Tom M., 2/29/16:         I have moved back to Michigan.I'm staying in Clio right now but will be moving to Lexington in the future. I absolutely will come!

Jean H., 3/10/16:         Thanks for letting me know. I will plan on coming to your house for the Mackinaw party. I told Pat also.

Bill S., 3/9/16:         Website looks great, we will be there!

Andrea D., 3/9/16:         As far as I know Dan and I will be able to come to your race day party! Look forward to seeing everyone again. What a shame about Terry. So glad he came last summer.